Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Reviews Are Flooding In

"Without fail, Every season of American Idol has that one contestant whose heart is just as big as their voice. In season 8, we had to wait for San Francisco’s last audition to meet him. His name is Kai Kalama and his intro piece was absolutely nossipworthy.

A year ago Kai’s mother was diagnosed with a seizure disorder and he put his life on hold to take care of her. He spoke with such compassion about how he did not mind sacrificing his social life and still found time at night for his music….after all, his mom is the person who taught him to sing. While most constestants are concerned with “going to Hollywood,” Kai looked forward to the day he could buy his mother a house.

He sang Smoke gets in Your Eyes by The Platters and made it to Hollywood with the approval of all four judges. Leaving the room with his golden ticket, Kai could not reach his cell phone fast enough to share the good news with his mother. He faces a long road ahead (Simon reccommends that he watches Simon in action to develop confidence), and I can’t wait to see what this amazing guy can accomplish - both on stage and off." www.thenossip.com

"I really like him! I hope he gets far in the competition. He has a nice backstory, and of course, he’s cute. And he doesn’t shave!" www.rickey.org

"yeah Kai was my favorite of the night. careful though...i'm pretty sure he has some hawaii ties. you know what that means: if you're from the islands, we got your back...haha!" John T. blog.zap2it.com

"I loved Kai Kalama. His voice is as great as his heart. It takes a lot for that man to do what he does. And there are not many people in these days who are so talented, as he is, that would set back his life and dreams to take care of others as he did. And for that I hope he continues on in this competition and gets what he deserves" Amaris blog.zap2it.com

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