Thursday, February 19, 2009

Voting Tips for Wednesday Night

VOTING IS UNLIMITED following the show per method in the two hours after Kai's show next Wednesday, February 25th. Everyone should be able to access multiple methods (as described below). International or overseas voters can also participate!

Tips for Voting Online:

You can Vote 3 different ways online (maybe all at once if you're so inclined.)

If you're living abroad, or if you can't make the call from a phone you can call for free ONLINE by following the directions below:

* Skype (works for International and US)
* Gizmo5 (works for International and US):
* Dial Idol (works for only US residents):

Try testing the software's with Google's Toll-Free number:

American Idol numbers are also toll-free so if you succeed in calling Google's test # above, you would also be able to call in to vote for Kai.

If you are calling the number (1-866-IDOLS-XX) by land line or cell phone:

* The phone lines tend to jam up directly after the show finishes and oftentimes you'll get a busy signal. If you wait for 30 - 45 minutes and call continuously for the rest of the hour and a half, your voting will be more efficacious and more likely to count for Kai.
* If you have a cell phone and a home phone, try calling for both. You don't have to talk with anyone to vote, so you can just continue to re-dial on either phone for the duration of the two hours.
* It's a toll free number, so you shouldn't have to worry about phone charges.

For additional questions regarding voting for contestants please visit the official American Idol website.


How do you solve a problem like Malia? said...

Thanks Kay! I had no idea how to vote before this.

Jamie K said...

If you have AT&T (which I do), you can also text in your vote